Original Text Description
Shooting Script, example
[Poem] “People care
much, how their hair looks..”
Shot 1- Medium Long Shot. The voiceover of a young girl
saying the lines. The scene is shot in a middle school girl’s bathroom,
middle of the day. There are about 5 girls looking in the long mirror, combing
and teasing their hair, some applying lipstick. They are all dressed in
jeans, jeans skirts, with colorful tops but the focus is not on their
This frame is meant to depict the amount of attention girls
place on looks, as they are shown primping and fixing their hair in the high
school bathroom. It’s a medium length shot so several girls can be shown from
the waist up fixing their hair. The crowded bathroom shot is to emphasize how
many girls place the need to look a certain way as a high priority. It is
also emphasizing that while they are supposed to be in school to learn, here
they are fixing their hair in the bathroom.
[Poem] “…or their clothes.”
Shot 2: V/O of young girl. Wide Shot: Women’s Boutique
Clothing Store, middle of the day with plenty of lighting coming through the
windows. It pans the store to show the amount of trendy, colorful clothes and
jewelry throughout the store. It focuses in on one girl, about 13 years old
with brown hair, in the back of the store looking in the mirror, trying on a
dress with long sleeves in a chevron black and white pattern. She spins in
the mirror and smiles, but keeps looking at the price tag.
This frame is shot wide and pans to show the entire store.
It is a trendy, boutique with clothes ranging anywhere from $50 and up to
pretty expensive. It is the type of boutique that appeals to young women and
girls, ages 13 to mid 30s primarily. When it zooms in on the girl trying on
the chevron dress, her twirling in the dress in the mirror signifies how much
she really wants the dress, but as she constantly looks at the price tag, her
expression changes. She realizes the dress is too expensive, but perhaps she
is really trying to fit in at school or to impress someone.
[Poem] “..they don’t care about what matters..”
Shot 3- V/O of young girl. Medium shot of rows of
magazines in the store, featuring beautiful women on the covers, with tag
lines of “how to look your best, how to have better sex, how to tone and
shape your butt, etc”
In this shot, “they” represents media and the fashion
industry. It is meant to show a colorful array of magazines that target young
women and girls. It is meant to show what many girls are subjected to seeing
as ideal, and the various headlines show what “they” portray as important and
what matters…looking your best, having better sex, and toning your body.
[Poem] “..the soul.”
Shot 4: V/O of young girl. Close up of the young girl’s
face as she is looking down, skimming through a magazine at that store the
she has picked up. Her brown hair is slightly covering her face, and she has
a blank store flipping through the magazine.
This frame is to signify that the voice over that we have
been hearing throughout the scenes, and the girl in shot 2 and 3 is that of
the girl in this shot. She is about 13 years old, and the shot is close up to
give a glimpse of her emotions. Her face is blank, and her hair is covering
part of her face, while she is looking down towards the magazine she is
holding. This is to signify a lot of emotions in this girl’s face, perhaps
that she is insecure about what she is seeing in the magazine. The close up
shot is also to look deeper in the character, so you can feel what she is
feeling. You can sense the anxiety and the angst.
[Poem] ‘The soul is what truly matters, that thing that is
deep inside.”
Shot 5: V/O of young girl (this is the voice of the girl
shown in shot 4) Wide shot, outside overlooking a field in the countryside,
with a large tree with bare branches extending. The wind blows through the
stalks in the field, creating a peaceful sound. It is sunset, so there is a
serene orange glow cast over the field and the tree. The girl is seen
standing in the middle of the field, middle of the frame and the tree is to
the right of her. Her back is facing the shot. The wind blows her brown hair,
and the blousy green long sleeve top she is wearing with a flowing long white
skirt. Her arms are extended behind her.
This frame is to show a very peaceful and serene
countryside. The girl has her back towards the shot, and that is so we can
understand she is taking in the peaceful environment. It is as if she has
escaped the hustle of school and the pressures to look a certain way, and she
is hear alone in the countryside, with nothing but her thoughts. This frame
is also to signify that there is more to a person than just an outward
appearance. It shows a lot of inward thinking and reflection for the young
girl, as she is starting to come into herself as a young woman.
[Poem] “The soul is always fashionable, no matter what the
season is.]
Shot 6: V/O of young girl. Medium close up from the right
side of the girl’s face. She is still outside as in the previous shot, this
is just zoomed in on her face at this angle. The sun is setting at such a
point towards the camera that is cast a warm, yellow glow throughout the back
and side of the shot. The wind is still blowing through her hair, and she has
a slight smile on her face as she takes in all of the elements of this beautiful
This frame shows the close up of her face as she smiles
and breathes in the fresh air. You can sense her happiness and acceptance of
[Poem] “The soul is something that changes color a million
Shot 7: V/O of young girl. Wide shot, same outdoor
setting, it is sun set, the wind is still rustling the stalks in the field.
The girl is seen walking away from the camera up a slight hill, the wind is
blowing her brown hair back towards the camera. Her loose green long sleeved
shirt and long white skirt are blowing back towards the camera. She has her
right hand outstretched, slightly touching the stalks the wind has blown
towards her as she continues to walk along.
This frame shows her walking away from the camera. The
walking away symbolizes change throughout a person’s life. She is moving from
one stage of her life to another. The wind blowing the stalks as she walks
by, and she reaches out gracefully to touch them is very peaceful and
signifies her oneness and acceptance with nature.
[Poem] “From when you are born..”
Shot 8: V/O of young girl. Medium long shot, the girl is
sitting down on a dark brown sofa, but you can barely see it. The scene is semi shot is
over her shoulder, but angled to the right so you can still see the side of her face and her expression. Due to her sitting, you can see her wearing jeans and
white sweater, she has a photo album in her lap, her face is solemn, and she
is looking at a picture of a baby girl, with brown hair. The baby is probably
a few days old, in a white dress, and is crying in the picture.
This frame shows the young girl looking through a family
photo album at a picture of herself as a baby. It is important to note that
the girl is wearing a white sweater, and in the baby picture she has a white
dress on. This is connecting the two, and the audience should be able to make
the connection that the girl is looking back at a picture of herself as a
[Poem] “To when you die”
Shot 9: V/O of young girl. Medium shot, same setting as
previous frame, camera is angled over the girl’s shoulder, but in closer
where you can see more of her hands. You can see her brown hair in the frame
on the left side, and you can see her hands closing the photo album. The
photo album is white and has gold accents, and you can tell it has aged.
This frame is shot over the girl’s shoulder from her point
of view. The closing of the family album is to signify that life does end.
The photo album is meant to depict that life is full of memories and
experiences, and that once we are gone, that is all that is left. This frame
signifies death, but in a peaceful way.
[Poem] “My soul is yellow today, because I am happy
Shot 10: V/O of young girl. Close Up of girl’s face, is it
evident she is outside due to the yellow hue in the shot. She is smiling and
looking down at something, and has her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She
is wearing a green shirt that you can just see the hints of.
This frame is just showing that she is happy, and she is
smiling down at something but we are not sure of yet.
Shot 11: Reverse shot, medium close up. There is a young tabby cat
that you can tell is looking out on a balcony in the sun. The cat is looking
up, appearing to be looking at her owner, the young girl.
In the frame we find out what the girl is smiling and
looking down at. She is a cat lover, and her cats make her happy. This shot
also signifies the sweet innocence of animals.
[Poem] “On Wednesday my soul was green, because I envied
another girl.”
Shot 12: V/O of young girl. Medium shot, over the girl’s
shoulder. You can see her brown hair is down, in the left corner of the
frame, and she has on a green long sleeved shirt. She is looking on a
computer screen of a young blonde girl’s Facebook page. She is scrolling though this girl’s Facebook
feed, and sees this blonde girl appearing in many beautiful photographs with
nice clothes and accessories, and her hair is perfectly styled everytime.
In this frame, the girl is frivolously scrolling through
the blonde girl’s Facebook feed. You can tell she is jealous as she scrolls
through the pictures of this beautiful blonde girl and how fast she is going
through the Facebook feed. I chose to show jealously this way because this is
how many young girls these days see jealousy. They are able to access social
media sites, which can add to the problem.
[Poem] “The soul by far is the best accessory you can
Shot 13: V/O of young girl. Wide shot, panning. The girl
gets up from the computer at her desk in her room and walks to what appears
to be her closet and looks in. After looking in the closet, which we do not
see what is in there, she goes back to her desk and opens her computer.
This frame is meant to show emotion in the girl. After
viewing the one girl’s Facebook feed and seeing the beautiful clothes and
accessories, she decides to go to her closet and look at what clothes and
purses are in there. This is to signify that the girl is comparing herself.
After a second, she closes the closet door and sits back at her desk,
realizing that she is being silly and letting senseless thoughts get the best
of her.
Shot 14: Close up, over the girl’s shoulder as she sits at
the computer and opens up a blank Microsoft Word document and begins typing.
In this frame, the girl appears to have regained her
senses, and is sitting at her computer and beings typing.
[Poem] “..and that’s what they should write in the
Shot 15: V/O of young girl. Extreme close up, but only of
the cursor moving across the Word Document as the girl begins writing an
article on self-image and the media, and the soul, titled “The Greatest
Accessory of them All.”
This frame signifies that the girl wants to write about
self image, and she perhaps wants to change the way young girls think. It is
an extreme close up, but only of the word document so you can see the letters
type out across the screen. This signifies that the girl has learned a great
deal and has done a lot of inward reflecting. Once she begins typing, you
realize the girl is the author of the poem.
Shot 11

Shot 15

Poem written by Junita Thiessen.
Thiessen, J. (2009, November). The greatest accessory of them all. Retrieved from http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/the-greatest-accessory-of-them-all
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